Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Aidan attends a wonderful christian school called Coosa Christian. It is apart of the church Crosspoint Community of which we are members. Before we moved here, God led me to this school online and also to the church. We are so happy and thankful for being able to be apart of such a great community. I attend bible study there also.

Back to Aidan though...I love it because they use the ABEKA curriculum. I know it is extremely accelerated for which I'm thankful. He is in K4 and already learning cursive and how to read. His teacher, Ms. Higgins, told me today that he has turned out to be one of the best behaved children in her class and also believes that if he continues on the path he is on, he will be in her top reading group. WOW. Buddy and I pray everyday that God would instill in Aidan a peaceful and loving spirit that only Jesus Christ can produce. I have found that God is so faithful to answer our prayers! Aidan is not only responsive academically but with his character. What a blessing.

We started to put Mattea in the same school in K2 but ran into some issues. The main one being that she HATED IT! I thought for sure that she would love it. Last year when we would take Aidan to school, she always found a way to sneak into his class and try to stay. This year, she was thrilled when we enrolled her. But her first (and final) week was so TRAUMATIC. She was miserable. Do you know, I made it 4 days. The last day I took her she had her usual crying episode. (I was not used to these because not once had Aidan ever fought me to go. He LOVES going to school.) I took her to the bathroom to simply speak to her and I lifted my hand up, palm out to indicate for her to stop crying. She looked at me and then at my hand. She put her little hand up against mine and then just LOOKED at me. I finally got her to class but when I got to the car, I remembered something my mom always told me. "When you get tempted to expect too much out of your children, take their little hands and put them in yours. Look and SEE just how tiny theirs are compared to yours." It was then I realised it just was not worth it. She is 3 years old! I withdrew her that day. I collected the books I had already ordered for her and decided, since she loves doing school, that she would be my homeschooler. Mattea loves to be social, but I have found, that she isn't good with too much. She does love to be home. I have found that I don't mind at all!! In fact I love it.

This leads me to today. I'm so excited. God has brought me a home school buddy! My new friend Amber also has three children although hers are younger. Her oldest is just a little younger than Mattea. Amber and I are definitely kindred spirits. We both raise our children on Baby Wise and Growing Kids God's Way. We have decided that 2 days a week we will be schooling her daughter Cadence and Mattea together! We will be using a set curriculum and following a schedule. I do believe that God has put us together that we may sharpen each other for two are definitely better that one. I'm very much looking forward to seeing our girls grow in wisdom. I know they are young but it is really never too early to start and I have already seen how much Mattea loves being kept busy.

I'm very thankful that I serve such a loving and gracious God that He hears me even when I ask something on what I believe is such a miniscual scale. He is so personal and loving! I wanted to include the prayer that I found online and pray over my children everyday. (Ok, most days. ) I always see a huge difference when I remember to do it!

Praying For The Children
Acts 19:20.........I thank you Father that Your Word prevails over our children.
Isa 54:13...........That they are taught of the Lord and continue to be
Prov 13:1.......... the fruit of godly instruction and correction.
Isa 54:13...........Great is their peace and undisturbed composure.
Prov 2:6............ Father, give us counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children.
1Pet 1:14.......... I say they are obedient, not conforming to the things of the flesh,
1Pet 1:15.......... but holy, in all conduct.
1Pet 2:2........... desiring the pure milk of the Word that they may grow thereby.Jas 1:19............That they are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
Heb 13:5.......... Their conduct is without covetousness,
Heb 13:5.......... and they are content with what they have.
Heb 13:16......... They do not forget to do what is right and to share.
2Pet 3:18.......... I pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,
1Thes 4:1......... and abound more and more in how they should walk and please You.
1Pet 5:5........... That they submit to their elders, and to one another,
1Pet 5:5........... being clothed with humility.
1Pet 5:7........... That they cast their cares upon You, Father, for You care for them.
Jas 1:22............I thank You that they are doers of the Word, and not hearers only,
Ph'm 1:6...........effectively sharing their faith.
2Tim 1:7 ..........not having a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2Tim 1:9...........Father, You have saved them and called them with a holy calling,
2Tim 1:9 ..........not according to works, but according to Your own purpose.
2Tim 4:18.........Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them.
John 10:5 ........They will by no means follow strangers, not knowing their voices. 2Tim2:22 .........They abide with others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart,
Jas 3:10 ..........and cursing comes not out of their mouth.
1Jn 5:18 ..........Because Jesus keeps them safe, the wicked one does not touch them.
Ps 91:11..........Give Your angels special charge to accompany, defend, preserve
Ps 4:8.............and provide safety for them, day and night.
1Jn 2:5 ...........Because they keep Your Word, Your love is being perfected in them.
1Jn 2:15 .........They do not love the world or the things in the world,
3Jn 1:11..........and they do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.
1Jn 1:7 ...........They walk in the light as You are in the Light,
Jas 4:8 ...........cleansing their hands and purifying their hearts,
2Tim 2:22 .......They follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace.
Heb 13:18........They have a good conscience and desire to live honorably,
Prov 3:4 ..........having favor and high esteem with God and man.

I know is long but I have found it to be such a beautiful prayer.


Meghann said...

Yea Shea! I'm so happy for you (and Mattea!). I think that was a very wise decision, and brave one as well! Of course, you know I'm a bit biased when it comes to homeschooling! You know Ireland is extremely social, homeschooling has not hurt that at all for her either. I think if anything it has helped her learn to be wise in her outlets of being social. Love you!

Terah said...

Gotta love that Baby Wise! (:

I can't imagine Camden being gone every day! I want to cry just thinking about it!

I'm so excited for you guys!
It sounds like you made the right decision. I had such a hard time going to school at first that my parents kept me home for another year. I think it was one of the best decisions they ever made on my behalf.

We are planning to homeschool our children and I am just sooo excited about it!

The Chad Beck's said...

I love that Kira loves going to school, but I often wonder if Preston will have a hard time with it, he's not really social AT ALL! Some people say it would be good for him then, I just don't know yet... I'm keeping opions open like you have, it's nice to see it's working for you guys!

Heidi said...

I plan on homeschooling my little ones because,like my sister, the thought of them being away from me all day makes me want to weep. I am definitely going to have to do some serious training of myself before I dare to start on the school thing. Luckily, Adam is only three and Rowan one so I do have some time. I am not one of those organized "with-it" type people so it will be a challenge for sure!

Shea said...

Trust me Heidi, I'm definitly not the all with it type either. I like to be organised but I can recognise where my weakness lies. So, that is why I will be doing the ABEKA DVD school. That way I know she is getting what she needs. I really excited for you though. I think as long as there is a large support group, like what you have, you will be fine. That is the biggest thing for me; support.

About Me

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Gadsden, AL, United States
I am a lover of Jesus Christ! I aim to make our home a sanctuary for my husband and 3 children. I know God has called me to be a wife and mother and each day, I thank Him for giving me the ability to stay home and be JUST that. I homeschool our daughter, Mattea using ABEKA K-3 and several wonderful websites. Although Aidan really enjoys going to Christian school, Mattea prefers to be home. Fine by me!!! I love being apart of the women's Bible studies through our church and strive to learn more about my Lord and grow in our precious relationship. I give God all the glory and have learned to praise Him no matter what the circumstance.