Okay....I know most people HATE New Year's resolutions. I am amongst that lot of people. However, I do like the idea of a fresh start. Maybe this year, being older and wiser (???????), I will keep up with some of them. Now, I promise losing weight is not at the top of the list. I gave that up like 5 New Years ago! Listing these makes me feel as though I should be going to confession but I know I have only friends here. When you read this, just send a prayer heavenward and I will REALLY appreciate it. :)
Ready for my very first "confession"? The #1 "fresh start" is......TITHING. We are so blessed but I have such tight fists. It isn't Buddy at all, only me. I can't believe, having grown up tithing that I would have such a hard time writing that check twice a month. I hate the way it makes me feel when I don't do what I'm supposed to do. God has sent me very gentle reminders too. He is just so loving! I kid you not, the months I tithe we are have more than the months I don't. I just hate that I'm blatantly doing the wrong thing. Prayerfully, this year will be different.
Next up FOR SURE is paying down debt. I can not tell you how this one turns my stomach. I HATE the fact that we are not debt free. I don't count our house and I only partially count our cars but the rest...it needs to go! It will take great discipline and (gasp) budgeting but it CAN be done. I just hate that we are so blessed but can be so frivilous. GRRRRRRRRRR!
Let's see....I think after that would be something a bit more fun. :) Buddy and I are planning to plant a garden this year with the kids. Growing up we always had massive gardens which I avoided whenever I could because of all the work. Now, with children, I'm actually planning my own! It is amazing what we do for our children. The kids are so excited though and I hope I don't fail them.
Patience is scattered amongst all of these. Since I'm homeschooling Mattea and dealing with a little toddler too, I have made leaps and bounds on this one. On a side note, I set up our school room downstairs in the basement. It is lacking a few (wanted, not needed) items but since I just did our budget, those will have to wait. It is so great to be able to go downstairs, do school, and then go back upstairs. We are away from all distractions which is perfect for me. I'm terrible about trying to muli task. Mattea enjoys having my undivided attention. Not to mention all the ROOM!!! When I get things more the way I like them, I will post pictures. Oh, Aidan likes the "school room" so much that he even mentioned wanting to stay home next year! I couldn't imagine homeschooling both of them. I'm praying about it.
Alrighty then...hope you all enjoyed the confessions! Looking forward to some feedback.