I shared in my last post my tithing issues. I am very excited to share that I now "GET it." I have always understood why tithing is so important as laid out in Malachi. I hated the thought of how I have so many times robbed God! It has just made me sick. Yet I still fearfully made out the check...sometimes. So yesterday in church our pastor explained the church budget using specific numbers and it CLICKED. They have a BUDGET. I do our BUDGET. I understand things in terms of bills and I finally understand that my tithe helps our church pay bills and support missions and outreaches. They NEED our tithe to meet their monthly obligations. Do you know that I smilingly, happily, and willingly put our check in the basket? I don't know why it made such a big difference but I just get it now. God is so AWESOME that He was able to get through my thick skull in a way that I would understand. I eagerly await helping our church meet their budget as God so faithfully meets ours! Thanks for your prayers.
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