Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Mattea loves to play "princess". What girl doesn't?
Zane was smelling the ball.

Monograming is HUGE in the south...I'm addicted!


I know most of you are on FB or MS by here are some recent (a little) pictures. I always hate putting pictures up here because of all the photographers on here...its very intimidating! But hey....I do the best I can. :)

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About Me

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Gadsden, AL, United States
I am a lover of Jesus Christ! I aim to make our home a sanctuary for my husband and 3 children. I know God has called me to be a wife and mother and each day, I thank Him for giving me the ability to stay home and be JUST that. I homeschool our daughter, Mattea using ABEKA K-3 and several wonderful websites. Although Aidan really enjoys going to Christian school, Mattea prefers to be home. Fine by me!!! I love being apart of the women's Bible studies through our church and strive to learn more about my Lord and grow in our precious relationship. I give God all the glory and have learned to praise Him no matter what the circumstance.