Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy 6th Bday Aidan!

The day I welcomed you into the world was long and painful to say the least! I was never so unprepared as I was for becoming a mom. You definitly shook us up! You had your own idea on how much babies cry (hours and hours sounded fine to you), how much babies slept (in your case, how little), and what exactly you expected from us (only the world). I remember watching other people walk by our house in Spain and thinking how normal their life was compared to mine. I was definitly a mess.

HOWEVER. The miracle of it all is you, Son. You have taken on the role of first born in ways I never thought imaginable. I love to hear your voice as you scold your younger siblings on "the right way to behave." Your need to take care of "Mama Bear" is so strong. So strong that you willingly get up with Zane, bring him out to the living room and feed him, when he decides 530 is perfect time to get up in the morning. Oh, and always tacking on "I know you had a rough night Mom, so I thought you needed some more sleep." God bless you child!

Aidan is certainly a blessing, as all children are. I'm amazed at how firstborn's find their niche in being just that, the firstborn. He wouldn't be happy in any other role. Happy Happy Happy Birthday Aidan!!!

**on a side note...yes I'm still pregnant and yes I'm due today. Aidan really wants a new baby brother for is his birthday so please be in prayer for us**


Terah said...

Happy Birthday, Aidan!

Those first-born sons really know how to take care of their Mamas. Camden always knows just how to make me feel better.

That's awesome you're due on his birthday! We're praying for you!

Make sure and update us with info/photos as soon as you can...

The Chad Beck's said...

Happy Birthday!!
Oh Shea, he sounds so much like Kira! Kira was such a hard baby, but such a sweet thing now!
We'll be praying the dilvery goes smoothly and soon! oh and yes, you must update as soon as you can!!!

Karina said...

Happy Birthday Aidan!

Praying for you Shea!!

Love k.

Shea said...

Love you Girls! I really don't know what I would do with any of my kids but Aidan is def a huge help. I'm not sure when I will be having this baby. I really don't want to be induced but my mom is here for such a limited amount of time. I praying God allows me to go naturally. Thank you for your prayers. I will def keep you posted!!!

About Me

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Gadsden, AL, United States
I am a lover of Jesus Christ! I aim to make our home a sanctuary for my husband and 3 children. I know God has called me to be a wife and mother and each day, I thank Him for giving me the ability to stay home and be JUST that. I homeschool our daughter, Mattea using ABEKA K-3 and several wonderful websites. Although Aidan really enjoys going to Christian school, Mattea prefers to be home. Fine by me!!! I love being apart of the women's Bible studies through our church and strive to learn more about my Lord and grow in our precious relationship. I give God all the glory and have learned to praise Him no matter what the circumstance.