Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is it really Tuesday again?

1.) I should be making my lunch and eating it instead of sitting here doing this. But I do enjoy reading everyone else's and they make me feel so much better. (Heidi~I have no idea why we have SO MUCH laundry.)

2.) I'm sorry to say this, and I hope not to offend anyone, but I really hate our dog. No really. Hate is the word I intended to use. She managed to bring fleas into our house this summer. Long story short, it took MONTHS before we were through and I could finally relax and not want to just torch the house...considering its brick, think about how much TNT I would have to use! Anyway, she can now jump over our fence and does it whenever she wants to. She knows I can't physically drag her stupid but back in there so she stays just out of reach. Buddy won't let me get rid of her. Good thing I'm a christian and an honest one at that or else he might come home one day and she would be GONE. Dogs that jump out get picked up, don't they. If I take her tags off and she isn't microchiped....who would know? I'm not going to do that but there are DAYS!

3.) I was just so excited yesterday because the kids were being so sweet and studious. Then today happened. Yuck. They all made me so frustrated. I think its the rain. Oh well...at least they are napping now!

4.) Mattea likes to blow kisses to us and we have to "catch" them. We do it back and she is always so elaborate in her ways of catching them. Yesterday, I blew her a kiss and when she "caught" it, she "broke" it. She look and me as she tucked "half" in her pocket she said, "I'm going to save this one for later. " So cute!

5.) My good friend Sarah, who is going to act as my doula during labor, is knitting me a prayer shawl. She said it should help me get through labor. I think her original idea of waving the check book in my face will be reminder enough of why an epidural free birth is so important!

6.) As much as I'm enjoying being home so much, I am really beginning to miss church. I feel as though I haven't been properly fed in so long!

7.) I can't believe Zane is turing 2 on Monday! I mean, I believe it because he is certainly exhibiting "2" behavior however, isn't he the BABY??

8.) I'm actually really hungry at this point. I make all our cream soups homemade now and I'm thinking cream of mushroom sounds so good. I made some yummy Irish Soda Bread yesterday and that would be great with that.

9.) Celestial Season makes a SleepyTime Plus tea...it has valerian in it. It is amazing. Not only do you get the chamomile (SP), but you get the extra boost. I slept so good last night!

10.) Why do our young people view Veterans Day as simply a day "they don't have to go to school"? I have noticed on FB that a majority of teens and even some college have this point of view. Its really sad. I don't like it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

10 on Tuesday (k~actually its Wednesday)

*I borrowed this from Terah since I really need to be on here!*

1.) I'm really looking forward to having another boy. I absolutly adore having a daughter but boys (at least my boys) are so much easier than Mattea has been. Oh, his name will be Cayd Aaron.

2.) I'm amazed that God has helped me organize me time. Our dishwasher is broken and we won't be getting another quite yet. (You know, the whole pay cash for it thing.) I now have to keep up with washing dishes, cooking everything from scratch (think cream of mushroom/chicken/celery soups for baking), doing one load of laundry a day, and schooling. You know what though? It totally works and I can only lift my eyes to heaven and praise God.

3.) We are putting our house on the market in January or so. God is calling us to move to Idaho and so having a house to sell when the time comes to move will be just one less thing to worry about. I'm praying since we operate on God's economy rather than man's, that things will go smoothly. Never been a seller before and its pretty scary!

4.) We haven't been to church in awhile because Buddy wanted us to avoid getting sick. Its working but I sure miss the fellowship! It was tough to bite my tongue on that one and submit to my husband, although I knew and understood his reasoning behind it. In all honesty though, we have enjoyed being homebodies!

5.) I realised yesterday that I'm 20 days behind with Aidan in ABeka. Oops. He doesn't care and I know we will catch up somehow but it matters to me, just a little. He is doing great though. He loves school.

6.) They opened a new sushi place here in Gadsden and we love it!!! The kids are so happy, especially Aidan. Its funny how something like that will make me like it here a little bit more.

7.) Just realised as I was leaning back in exasperation because I'm only on #7 and can't think of ANYTHING else to say, that there are cobwebs on my ceiling. Just when I was feeling accomplished!

8.) Loves it when my kids can tell when I'm having a moment and tell me to simply "pray about it." God love 'em for that! Its always perfectly timed.

9.) Love that our measly little winter seems to be finally upon us. Sort of. I'm looking forward to decorating this year. Zane was in everything last year so this year its ON!

10.) Pheww! Thank goodness! I am trying to remember to affirm my husband everyday. Yesterday it was to tell him how much I appreciate being able to stay home with my children rather than have to work. I take it for granted sometimes and I'm really trying not to!

Friday, July 3, 2009


......A 4th bundle of joy! Yes, it is true. Buddy and I just found out we are having another baby. This has been with a lot of prayer and consideration. Some of you may know that Aidan and Mattea were both VERY planned but Zane was not, by us anyway. I felt done with 2 and a 3rd was tough, although life wouldn't be as fun without Zane. But, being done with 2, having a surprise 3rd, I definatly wasn't thinking about a 4th! Well, God never let me say "I'm never having more," obviously because He had plans. Buddy, of course, wants a whole houseful. So, yesterday I took the test and lo and behold, it was positive. I go Monday to the doctor. Apparently, sometime this month, my husband and I happened to be in the same room or something, because 1 month was all it took. We have never understood "trying." (Thank God) So.....that is what is going on. I will be excited, right now I am still in shock. Blessings!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Such a sad day.

Yesterday, I realised my wedding ring was lost. I had put it in a glass jewlery box on my dresser Friday night around midnight as I was coming down with the flu. I didn't even think about it until yesterday morning when I went to put it on. We believe that our 3 year old daughter, Mattea, took it and lost it. She says she touched it but doesn't know where it is. I called Buddy hysterical and he came home from work to help search for it and to try and get answers from the children. The day was long but beneficial~I got a lot of cleaning and organizing done. Last night though, I sat to read my Bible and to collect my thoughts on the day and rubbing my burning, swollen eyes, I realised something.

My sad day was not from the loss of my ring, although the pain of it was truelly horrible. The pain is from my reaction. I have always strived to teach my children that our possessions are Gods; everything we have is because of Him; one day, its all going to burn anyway; your worth is from God, not from things. I did nothing but prove to my children that mommy, at least yesterday, was a big fat liar. God dealt "harshly" with me this morning when reading
ICorinthians 3:12-23. The general idea is that Paul is talking about whether a man builds his foundation of gold, silver, costly stones (MY DIAMOND), etc, his work will be shown when put through the fire, testing the quality of it. If what he builds, survives, he gets his reward and if it burns, he suffers the loss. I was the one suffering a loss, not of the ring but of a battle. I succumbed to my failings as a sinner and allowed Satan to deceive me into thinking that I was less of a person because I didn't have my beautiful ring. My possessions were more important than the fact that its all GODS! He then goes on to talk about our bodies being the temple and then on to those who think they are wise. At this point, I really thought I couldn't take anymore. I have always "prided" myself on how I handle things. Well, this one was for me because I became (or realised that I was) a FOOL.

I mishandled everything yesterday. My hurt and anger toward my 3 year old. My weeping. My pride in my possession. I pray that the Holy Spirit give me the words to give my kids. I pray that they are able to learn from my mistake of putting too much value on something material. I never want my kids, especially my daughter, to think that their worth lies in "costly stones" but know that their worth comes in their salvation, as does mine. I was uncontrollably weeping yesterday but for many of the wrong reasons. I compared the loss to loosing a loved one. How dare I? In the face of adversity I hand my children the wrong blueprint.

Oh the sad day we had yesterday. I pray today, that God puts a new song in my heart and on my lips. I have some damage to undo.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I just realised....

I didn't really post pictures of Aidan!
Aidan and Payton after a game.

Aidan's cheesy grin...I love it!


Mattea loves to play "princess". What girl doesn't?
Zane was smelling the ball.

Monograming is HUGE in the south...I'm addicted!


I know most of you are on FB or MS by here are some recent (a little) pictures. I always hate putting pictures up here because of all the photographers on here...its very intimidating! But hey....I do the best I can. :)


I just have to say that I'M SO EXCITED! Next week I'm flying sans CHILDREN to Jacksonville, FL for our church's women's conference. Yes...I will be without 3 children...all by myself. That means sitting in an airport actually getting to look at people rather than pray they didn't see what my child just did to their luggage. I get to read a magazine and not wonder if one the kids has hitched a ride on the airport shuttle and is now headed to Hawaii (FUN!) without me. I get to sit in an airplane not caring how long we have to wait because one (or all) of my kids are FREAKING out and kicking seats and trying to get free and......well, you know. Now, I do have to mention that our children are very good world travelers, for the most part. They have their moments but usually traveling with them is a joy. However....I'M SO EXCITED!

Besides that...I'm looking forward to our churchs conference. A couple of the amazing women on the speaking list are Priscilla Shire and Holly Wagner. There are other great ones but these two are the one's I am particuarlly looking forward to hearing. It will be 3 days of worship and prayer and fellowship and ministering. I just get chills thinking about it. I get to see 3 of my BEST friends ever too! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Totally SQUEEELING.

Okay, I think I'm good now. I just had to share and I know all you moms out there know what a thrilling break is in my future. This will be the first time I have been away from my children for longer than day. I know Buddy can handle it (we have ALL our friends on standby), but it has always been me with the kids and him gone. The tables are turning and I'm nervous...but SO EXCITED. :) You get the picture!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Figured I would do a quick update. Knowing me, nothing is ever really quick. I'm so long-winded! Don't worry....I know it. :)

I have decided to not go back to school as originally planned. So once I'm done with the two classes I'm taking now, I'm done. After much prayer, I know that I would never be able to apply myself 100% to homeschooling if in the back of my mind, I'm worrying about homework and passing my own courses. I received all of Aidan's books for next year from ABEKA. He is going to be doing the video course which is actually online instead of the DVDs. That saved us a $100. Woohoo! Mattea will, of course, be using mostly Rod and Staff. I'm also going to a huge homeschool convention/book sale in Atlanta in May to stock up on some other items. I'm really excited. I do know that to create the environment that the kids need to help them enjoy learning, I have to be fully committed. I know now that I will be able to provide it. I'm very excited.

We have also been having some allergy trouble with Zane. He has always had little patches on his body and we thought it was just dry skin. Recently, within the last month or so, they have been getting really bad. I took him to a naturepath and she said that his immune system was very low and he was put on immunity boosters as well as Vitamin C. I also switched our laundry detergent and his lotion/bodywash. His skin was so sensitive that I also had to watch what everyone else was using. (Bye bye bath and bodyworks for me!! SNIFF.) We noticed a marked improvement and then it went downhill, fast. We returned from a mini-vaca in Gatlinburg, Tn and I started to notice the rash on the insides of his elbows, the backs of his knees, and the tops of his feet getting worse. By Sunday evening, the insides of his little arms were blistered up and oozing. He would also scratch at his arms and so he was an oozing bleeding mess. It was horrible and I felt helpless. At that moment, God spoke so clearly, and told me it was diet. Starting the next morning, I took him off of all wheat, dairy, eggs, gluten, etc...you get the picture. Within 24 hours, we noticed a marked difference. By the end of the week, it was pretty much gone. I took him to our regular doctor to make sure I was on the right path and he gave me a cream to clear up the rest. He said that it was a form of eczema but allergy related. Next week I will be starting the process of figuring out which food/foods we need to be aware of but I honestly believe that it is dairy/egg related. Call it gut instinct. So we shall see!

That's about it though. Looking forward to some nice weather. We have been oh so rainy. Nothing compared to what is going on up in Idaho though. I almost had to complain about my balmy 68 degrees. I do have some beautiful colors to look at too! Aidan has 3 ball games this weekend and Mattea has 1. Hopefully I will have some good pictures to put up.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I shared in my last post my tithing issues. I am very excited to share that I now "GET it." I have always understood why tithing is so important as laid out in Malachi. I hated the thought of how I have so many times robbed God! It has just made me sick. Yet I still fearfully made out the check...sometimes. So yesterday in church our pastor explained the church budget using specific numbers and it CLICKED. They have a BUDGET. I do our BUDGET. I understand things in terms of bills and I finally understand that my tithe helps our church pay bills and support missions and outreaches. They NEED our tithe to meet their monthly obligations. Do you know that I smilingly, happily, and willingly put our check in the basket? I don't know why it made such a big difference but I just get it now. God is so AWESOME that He was able to get through my thick skull in a way that I would understand. I eagerly await helping our church meet their budget as God so faithfully meets ours! Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Okay....I know most people HATE New Year's resolutions. I am amongst that lot of people. However, I do like the idea of a fresh start. Maybe this year, being older and wiser (???????), I will keep up with some of them. Now, I promise losing weight is not at the top of the list. I gave that up like 5 New Years ago! Listing these makes me feel as though I should be going to confession but I know I have only friends here. When you read this, just send a prayer heavenward and I will REALLY appreciate it. :)

Ready for my very first "confession"? The #1 "fresh start" is......TITHING. We are so blessed but I have such tight fists. It isn't Buddy at all, only me. I can't believe, having grown up tithing that I would have such a hard time writing that check twice a month. I hate the way it makes me feel when I don't do what I'm supposed to do. God has sent me very gentle reminders too. He is just so loving! I kid you not, the months I tithe we are have more than the months I don't. I just hate that I'm blatantly doing the wrong thing. Prayerfully, this year will be different.

Next up FOR SURE is paying down debt. I can not tell you how this one turns my stomach. I HATE the fact that we are not debt free. I don't count our house and I only partially count our cars but the rest...it needs to go! It will take great discipline and (gasp) budgeting but it CAN be done. I just hate that we are so blessed but can be so frivilous. GRRRRRRRRRR!

Let's see....I think after that would be something a bit more fun. :) Buddy and I are planning to plant a garden this year with the kids. Growing up we always had massive gardens which I avoided whenever I could because of all the work. Now, with children, I'm actually planning my own! It is amazing what we do for our children. The kids are so excited though and I hope I don't fail them.

Patience is scattered amongst all of these. Since I'm homeschooling Mattea and dealing with a little toddler too, I have made leaps and bounds on this one. On a side note, I set up our school room downstairs in the basement. It is lacking a few (wanted, not needed) items but since I just did our budget, those will have to wait. It is so great to be able to go downstairs, do school, and then go back upstairs. We are away from all distractions which is perfect for me. I'm terrible about trying to muli task. Mattea enjoys having my undivided attention. Not to mention all the ROOM!!! When I get things more the way I like them, I will post pictures. Oh, Aidan likes the "school room" so much that he even mentioned wanting to stay home next year! I couldn't imagine homeschooling both of them. I'm praying about it.

Alrighty then...hope you all enjoyed the confessions! Looking forward to some feedback.

About Me

My photo
Gadsden, AL, United States
I am a lover of Jesus Christ! I aim to make our home a sanctuary for my husband and 3 children. I know God has called me to be a wife and mother and each day, I thank Him for giving me the ability to stay home and be JUST that. I homeschool our daughter, Mattea using ABEKA K-3 and several wonderful websites. Although Aidan really enjoys going to Christian school, Mattea prefers to be home. Fine by me!!! I love being apart of the women's Bible studies through our church and strive to learn more about my Lord and grow in our precious relationship. I give God all the glory and have learned to praise Him no matter what the circumstance.